Sunday, September 11, 2011

Simple Tips Relieve Migraine Pain

The most common definition of a migraine is a migraine. There is a sense of throbbing around his temples, forehead, or eyes. The pain later affecting the condition of the body, such as nausea, a swollen face, blurred vision, hands and feet were cold. Although the actual headache is not necessarily a migraine. Quite often the headaches are symptoms of a disease or disorder. For example: sinus inflammation, toothache, or even a sick stomach. Those who use glasses usually develop headaches when it comes time to replace glasses.
Migraines are usually attacked in the morning. In fact these hours are the hours we work productively. Certainly very disturbing migraine productivity. Not only because the pain is so strong it makes can not work properly, patients usually experience emotional distress. For example, becoming agitated, irritable, depressed. Therefore the best way to deal with the pain of migraine is to consult with your doctor and get the right medicine. Nevertheless, there remain a few simple tips to relieve migraine pain is.
1. Rest
Migraine sufferers are usually sensitive to light. Therefore, to relieve this pain, patients are advised to rest in a dark and quiet. Stay away from sources of noise and a bright glow. Calm yourself with the best and try to sleep.
2. Compress The Head With An Ice / Cold Water
Try to relieve pain by compressing the affected part with ice or cold water. Cold can help constrict blood vessels.

3. Warm The Neck
Give relaxation of the neck. The neck is usually a body part that works support the weight of the head. Fatigue in the neck can trigger headaches. When resting, try to warm up your neck. Or, give a little gentle massage.
4. Drinking Painkillers
There are a lot of pain medicine in the form of analgesics and antipyretics. Aspirin is usually the choice of many people. However, do not take any medication. The best thing is a drug that is recommended by your doctor.
5. Keep Away From Sources of Migraine 
There are some substances yanng can trigger migraines, such as caffeine, alcohol. If migraines are caused by allergies, stay away from the source of allergy, for example, chocolate, milk, cheese, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) in the MSG. Reduce drinking coffee or tea. Sometimes a little caffeine / coffee can relieve migraines. But more than a cup of coffee will add to the pain of migraine. In addition, stay away from too cologne and smells that stung because it can aggravate migraines. As already discussed in the article Causes of Migraine.
Treatment of migraine with drugs can be found in Migraine Treatment With The Drug.