Migraine or migraine headaches are not common diseases. These headaches are usually caused by muscle tension, thus also called tension headache. Not just muscle tension, there are many other things that can cause the appearance of migraine. Migraine can indeed be overcome by a headache remedy. But if the frequency appears quite often, you must be vigilant. Consult with your doctor, because it could potentially have a stroke and heart attack.
Research shows the incidence in women three times higher than men. This is due to migraine-related fluctuations in hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone. That's why this disease affects many women? Woman who has entered puberty, when hormones? Reproductive hormones begin to actively work. In fact, most women are often connected with menstrual migraine attacks. Naturally, because the activity of estrogen and progesterone hormron it fluctuates up and down in line with the menstrual cycle.
Women who suffer from migraine is suggested that the selective use of contraceptives. Wherever possible avoid hormonal contraceptives, like birth control pills or injectable contraceptives.
Women who suffer from migraine is suggested that the selective use of contraceptives. Wherever possible avoid hormonal contraceptives, like birth control pills or injectable contraceptives.
Weather Changes
Migraine can also stem from changes in the weather. Research conducted by The New England Center for Headache, found 51% of migraine sufferers are sensitive to weather changes. Some women experience a migraine attack when the weather turns cold and dry. There is also a recurrence in the warm and humid weather conditions. They are vulnerable to changes in the weather can do anticipate a close watch on weather forecasts or reports. Climate change information is very necessary when you are settled in the land of four seasons.
In some people eat? Foods that stimulate such as alcohol, coffee, cocoa, as well as food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the sweetener aspartame, especially with excessive levels, can trigger a migraine. Therefore, it is important for you to notice in time? Time after consuming whatever is causing your migraine recurrence. Suppose that appears after you consume coffee, the coffee is a trigger factor that you should avoid.
Lifestyle? Chaotic? It can also cause migraines. There have been many studies reveal a lifestyle that many in contact with stress, emotional turmoil, irregular eating, sleeping is not enough, coupled with smoking, could potentially trigger a migraine. Stress makes the body produce more of the hormone adrenaline, causing tension. Head, neck and shoulder muscles to contract and cause headaches.
As for cigarettes has been known as the base of many diseases. Even if you do not consume alcohol and not too sensitive to weather changes, but if you smoke, the risk of migraine exist. The solution, improve your lifestyle into a healthier direction. And certainly, fight to quit smoking.
As for cigarettes has been known as the base of many diseases. Even if you do not consume alcohol and not too sensitive to weather changes, but if you smoke, the risk of migraine exist. The solution, improve your lifestyle into a healthier direction. And certainly, fight to quit smoking.
Lack of exercise is also one of the causes of migraine. Especially if you are someone who is always busy. Exercise can help refresh the brain and prevent the migraines come back. Caution for you who like to travel far because of migraine is always lurking. So while on the move try to drink plenty of water and do not get tired. Menerukan should rest a little before your trip.
The following will be described how to cope with migraine in Simple Tips Relieve Migraine Pain and Migraine Treatment With The Drug.
The following will be described how to cope with migraine in Simple Tips Relieve Migraine Pain and Migraine Treatment With The Drug.