Water is a compound that is essential for all living things and there are everywhere. Water has a chemical compound of hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) with chemical formula H2O, meaning a molecule of water consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom. In general, there is water in liquid form, but the compound itself has various forms of water as solid forms in the ice and gas in vapor form. Part of the earth itself is almost 71% of its surface is covered by water, which are most numerous in the oceans as much as 97%, glaciers and ice in the Arctic as much as 2.4% as well as rivers and lakes as much as 0.6%.
Water in the Earth itself rotates continuously through the water cycle includes evaporation, or evaporation and condensation or cooling (to rain) as well as sublimation or freezing (ice / snow). Broadly speaking, both the evaporation from the oceans or through plant respiration contributed to the occurrence of rain on the surface of the earth or snow in the highlands / experiencing winter.
Benefits of Water For Body
Every part of the human body is made of cells. Protoplasm as the basic material of the cell is made of fat, carbohydrates, proteins, salts and similar elements who combined with water. The water itself serves as a solvent and carrier. A cell will exchange components with other organs through the process of electrolysis, which in normal conditions of minerals and other micro elements to penetrate the cell membrane to the nucleus through a process of electro osmosis. The body needs electrolytes to perform basic functions. When the body is dehydrated, the electrolysis process can not occur so that the cell body will dehydrate and die. So to keep the body's cells maintain the body's hydration and balance elektrokomia well maintained, the body requires water.
- For Health
Based on the results of research over the past 25 years, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj MD, a medical expert and the author of the book shows the benefits of water for various medical conditions, here are a few:
- Benefits of Drinking Water for Joint Pain and Arthritis Pain in the joints is believed to be a sign of lack of fluids bearing joints, so that friction can occur and cause pain. By drinking enough water, the lubrication in the bearing joints will remain intact and will not create friction that can cause pain.
- Benefits of drinking water to prevent high levels of cholesterol Drinking enough water also plays an important role to prevent the blockage of blood vessels. This is because by drinking enough water can help smooth the blood circulation, so as to prevent blockage of the arteries.
- Benefits of drinking water to prevent brain damage The average human brain weight was 1.4 kg, of which 85% of which consists of water. The brain is very sensitive to lack of fluids, which mentioned that the brain is not even able to tolerate water shortage as much as 1% and if it lasts a long time, then the brain can not function properly. The benefits of drinking enough water to the brain include: helping the body to replenish the intake for the neurotransmitter serotonin, helps the production of melatonin (a compound that functions in the regulation of sleep), as provider of energy because the water makes the cells can function as well as helping to maintain the memory because the brain maintained hydration can help to embed new information on the storage memory in the brain.
- Benefits of drinking water for the disposal of waste and hazardous substances from the body The organs of our body is made of cells, where the cells are made up and lived in aqueous solution. Most of our blood is also made of water and serves to dissolve, process and transport nutrients and wastes. In the case of dehydration, the blood becomes more viscous and can not flow properly, resulting in nutrients can not be applied to the entire body. Blood also can not stream to the excretion of waste substances, so that the substance will accumulate in the cell body and can affect the functioning of body cells.
The benefits of drinking sufficient water for healthy skin it is still causing controversy. Many believe that water is essential for skin care, because by drinking plenty of water will make the skin more supple and prevents the skin becomes dry. Many also assert that the drinking water will make your skin glow, look healthier and younger without the wrinkles and make skin elasticity and softness awake.
However, many scholars who deny the opinion mentioned above. Unless someone suffering from severe dehydration, drink plenty of water will not prevent the skin becomes dry. Basically the skin moisture level is not influenced by internal factors, but by external factors such as skin hygiene, environmental factors and the number of oil glands. Who drink water will not reach the epidermis layer of skin, even the water will move through the body's system much faster. If the skin is dry, the best way to protect the skin is by applying a skin moisturizer for dry skin. This moisturizer will form a protective layer that prevents water loss from the skin.
However there are also benefits of water for healthy skin, although not to moisturize. Drinking water in sufficient quantities is essential to help remove dirt or toxins from the body into the exhaust system. If the amount of water flowing in the body is insufficient, then the toxin can accumulate in the body and out through the pores of the skin that can cause acne. Therefore, when the exhaust system of the body smoothly, then the acne will rarely arise because the toxin can be wasted as well.
Dehydration Due
Many who thought that the dehydrated when the mouth becomes dry and chapped and dry mouth. But it is wrong, because the sign above indicates that the body has undergone severe dehydration. Actually, with a slight loss of water alone can make your body dehydrated.
If the body is dehydrated, the body must divide the amount of water is insufficient to be able to work well, so the body will reduce its functions to prevent water loss. Dehydration can cause various health problems such as impaired blood circulation, kidney stone formation, organ damage, brain, etc..
How Many of Adequate Water Intake ?
Total water demand for each person can vary, depending on environmental factors, type and weight aktiftas. For example, in obese people require more water intake to help burn fat and also removes toxins as a result of fat metabolism.
Many are advised to drink at least 8 glasses (+ 2 liters) of water a day, but for many people who beraktfitas outdoors or doing strenuous activity such as exercise or live in areas that are dry and hot it is advisable to drink more water again.
If urine is bright yellow or issued clear, it is a good sign that we have been drinking water in sufficient quantities. But if we remove the urine, dark or turbid indicates that the body needs water intake even more. Then if we intend to increase the intake of water, then keep in mind that intake should be water, where coffee and soda are not included because they have different chemical structures with water. However the water from the fruit or fresh vegetables can also be used to increase water intake to the body.