Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea is pain and pain at the beginning of menstruation. Dysmenorrhea caused by contraction or movement of the muscles of the uterus is strong. In some women, pain can be very severe, can also be very mild. Women with severe dysmenorrhea, prostaglandins are likely to produce much in her womb. Prostaglandins cause the uterus to move the muscles stronger and more frequent, causing the decline in blood flow to the uterus. As a result the nerves in the uterus become more sensitive to pain.
There are at least 6 symptoms of dysmenorrhea:
- Pain in the lower abdomen as gripping or squeezing.
- Headache throbbing.
- Vomiting or feeling sick.
- Lower back pain and leg.
- Stomach pains and diarrhea.
- Fainting.
- Eating foods rich in protein and and just before menstruation
- Compress with warm water that feels abdominal cramps / pain
- Take a warm bath
- Drink Hot Drinks that contain lots of calcium
- Try to Walk
- Take a position so that the uterus hanging menungging
- Breath in slowly pull
- Reduce salt by reducing junk food or snacks high in salt (Pizza, canned foods, snacks)
- Fruit Juice Drink Lots (avoid drinking coffee, tea and Carbonated Drinks)
- Calm your mind and relax, such as hobbies or listening to music
- If you decide to take certain medications, consult your physician first. the use of certain drugs should be in a doctor's supervision.
Sources: the quotes from various sources