Monday, September 26, 2011

High Protein Diet to Lose Weight

High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight. This is because of some research that indicates that the protein can make satiety longer than fat or carbohydrates, is that right?

In research published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the participants reported a more satisfactory results, more or less hunger & change in body weight when doing high-protein diets. Where fat intake is reduced to 20% of total calories consumed, the protein is increased by 30% and only 50% carbohydrate, so that the participants consumed 441 fewer calories per day when following a high protein diet program

Another study reported in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that high-protein diet combined with exercise increasing weight loss & body fat and improve blood lipid levels. The investigators believe, high-protein diets help people to control appetite & calorie intake for the better without being distracted with constant hunger.

Nonetheless, researchers still do not know why the protein can decrease appetite. They suspect that it is because a diet high in protein can cause the brain to receive hormone enhancers nafus eating less or by eating fewer carbohydrates or because of the special effects of the protein against hunger hormone & chemical processes in the brain. So according to the American Dietetic Association, further research is needed regarding the efficacy of high-protein diet, before the experts start a suggestion to make high-protein diet to the general public.

How much protein is required ? 

Protein is needed by the body each time, for various body functions, because the protein is a major component of all cells, including muscle & bone. Protein is also necessary for growth, development & endurance, such as to protect the body fight infection. Institute of Health's Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommended protein intake for healthy adults. ranging from 10% - 35% of total calories consumed. That is when we are encouraged to consume 1800 calories per day, then we can consume between 45 g (10%) up to 218 g (35%) of protein each day.

Nevertheless, the recommendations of daily protein intake for men is 56 grams per day while for women is 46 grams per day. However if you consume more of the recommendations are not a problem, except when having problems with their kidneys. Experts recommend eating protein at 120 g per day when mengingingkan benefits of weight loss & if you have a problem to increase the intake of protein, it should be done gradually. If necessary it is recommended to consult a doctor, if you want to increase your intake of protein in daily diet.

How to control appetite   

In theory, the easier it is mentioned that eating small amounts & exercising more will be able to lose weight. But of course not the case in practice. Because, to find the right combination of nutrients & can we enjoy and fit well with our lifestyle is an individual process. There are some people who are enjoying the high-carbohydrate diets, while others were due to sodium absorption ratio was hungry constantly.

Therefore, to control appetite, try to divide our daily caloric intake into meals / snacks a smaller, more frequent so that it can be enjoyed anytime throughout the day with a meal on the night as cover. The researchers suggest that eating as much as 4-5 times a day but with smaller portions can control your appetite & weight as well. And also as long as we still are in the recommended limits, then the addition of protein in the diet can also be performed.

The best protein sources 

Although protein is important for the body, but the intake of carbohydrates, fat and total calories consumed is also important to note. For the high-protein diet, it is recommended to include low-fat source of protein in the daily food consumption. Then also include carbohydrates such as fruit, vegetable & wheat and other sources of healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish & avocado.

Not all proteins have the same content, so make sure that the protein consumed is rich in nutrients & rendak fat and calories, such as lean meat, peas, beans & low-fat milk.