Monday, September 26, 2011

High Protein Diet to Lose Weight

High-protein diets have become a popular way to lose weight. This is because of some research that indicates that the protein can make satiety longer than fat or carbohydrates, is that right?

In research published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the participants reported a more satisfactory results, more or less hunger & change in body weight when doing high-protein diets. Where fat intake is reduced to 20% of total calories consumed, the protein is increased by 30% and only 50% carbohydrate, so that the participants consumed 441 fewer calories per day when following a high protein diet program

Another study reported in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that high-protein diet combined with exercise increasing weight loss & body fat and improve blood lipid levels. The investigators believe, high-protein diets help people to control appetite & calorie intake for the better without being distracted with constant hunger.

Nonetheless, researchers still do not know why the protein can decrease appetite. They suspect that it is because a diet high in protein can cause the brain to receive hormone enhancers nafus eating less or by eating fewer carbohydrates or because of the special effects of the protein against hunger hormone & chemical processes in the brain. So according to the American Dietetic Association, further research is needed regarding the efficacy of high-protein diet, before the experts start a suggestion to make high-protein diet to the general public.

How much protein is required ? 

Protein is needed by the body each time, for various body functions, because the protein is a major component of all cells, including muscle & bone. Protein is also necessary for growth, development & endurance, such as to protect the body fight infection. Institute of Health's Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommended protein intake for healthy adults. ranging from 10% - 35% of total calories consumed. That is when we are encouraged to consume 1800 calories per day, then we can consume between 45 g (10%) up to 218 g (35%) of protein each day.

Nevertheless, the recommendations of daily protein intake for men is 56 grams per day while for women is 46 grams per day. However if you consume more of the recommendations are not a problem, except when having problems with their kidneys. Experts recommend eating protein at 120 g per day when mengingingkan benefits of weight loss & if you have a problem to increase the intake of protein, it should be done gradually. If necessary it is recommended to consult a doctor, if you want to increase your intake of protein in daily diet.

How to control appetite   

In theory, the easier it is mentioned that eating small amounts & exercising more will be able to lose weight. But of course not the case in practice. Because, to find the right combination of nutrients & can we enjoy and fit well with our lifestyle is an individual process. There are some people who are enjoying the high-carbohydrate diets, while others were due to sodium absorption ratio was hungry constantly.

Therefore, to control appetite, try to divide our daily caloric intake into meals / snacks a smaller, more frequent so that it can be enjoyed anytime throughout the day with a meal on the night as cover. The researchers suggest that eating as much as 4-5 times a day but with smaller portions can control your appetite & weight as well. And also as long as we still are in the recommended limits, then the addition of protein in the diet can also be performed.

The best protein sources 

Although protein is important for the body, but the intake of carbohydrates, fat and total calories consumed is also important to note. For the high-protein diet, it is recommended to include low-fat source of protein in the daily food consumption. Then also include carbohydrates such as fruit, vegetable & wheat and other sources of healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish & avocado.

Not all proteins have the same content, so make sure that the protein consumed is rich in nutrients & rendak fat and calories, such as lean meat, peas, beans & low-fat milk.  



Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Ways To Life Full of Energy

Life can go up and down. Sometimes felt the spirit, sometimes feel tired of life. There are ways to survive, stay energized and beneficial to your health, want to? Life can go up and down. Sometimes felt the spirit, sometimes feel tired of life. There are ways to survive, stay energized and beneficial to your health. Consider the following factors that will ensure a healthier lifestyle and full of vitality.

  1. Manage stress effectively. Persistent stress can erode your confidence and your energy. After all, when the stress is managed well, the mind can be free to be creative and not run out of energy was wasted.
  2. Exercising at least 30 minutes every day. Exercising to keep in shape better and helps maintain ideal weight. Without exercise, the mind becomes lazy. 
  3. Develop a healthy relationship. People with a trustworthy friend and have close family ties are less likely to get sick and they had better healing when ill. Having a meaningful relationship can excite a person in his routine life. 
  4. Take time for adequate rest and relaxation. Do not let the pressure of such meetings, assignment deadlines, and expectations of other people drain your energy. Avoid fatigue. Perform regular and sufficient sleep. Enjoy the holiday weekend to rest and renew themselves. The annual holiday is a good way to fill? Battery life? us. 
  5. Maintain balance in life. Unbalanced tires can cause the vehicle swerved on the road at high speed and cause tire damage. So life without balance can make you sad, stressed, and tense. A balanced life gives serenity, peace, and new energy for life.
  6. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Wheat, fruits and vegetables (especially color) contains a number of phytochemicals that help health. The content of terbanyaknya is an antioxidant that protects cells from cancer, heart disease and aging. Pomgranates, blueberries, cranberries and other berries contain very high levels of antioxidants. People who consume a diet rich in fiber also tend to have more energy.
  7. Maintain your spiritual beliefs espoused by. Studying scripture will challenge the mind. Seeing how God works in the past can build self-confidence. Dynamic religious life and help those in need will stimulate a person's life.
  8. Maintain fluid intake. Even mild dehydration can impair a number of important aspects of cognitive function such as concentration, awareness, and short-term memory. Fluid retention is also associated with increased headache and fatigue, damage to the reaction time, attention, and coordination. Providing adequate fluid helps fight fatigue and promote mental awareness.
  9. Keep a regular schedule. Irregular lifestyle can cause a person experiencing mental akuitas loss, concentration problems, easily distracted. Follow a regular schedule can help keep you mentally fresh and awake.
  10. Proactive in preventing disease. Take personal responsibility for your own health remedy. Perform medical and dental examinations on a regular basis. You'll feel much better when you have control over your health.      

Monday, September 19, 2011

Know Hernia

A hernia is a protrusion of an organ or other tissue as a result of an abnormal opening in the body. Most hernias occur when there is partial bowel out through the abdominal wall is weak, so it looks a bulge that can be felt & felt. Hernias can occur in the area groin, navel or other parts. There is a hernia that has emerged since birth, there is also growing in a matter of months or years, but there are also hernias appear suddenly. The picture below is an illustration of a hernia.

Causes of Hernia

Hernias can be seen & felt, we can usually feel the hernia is of such a lump or swelling around the abdomen or groin that may be lost or remain up while lying down or when pressed. We also feel pain, which initially vague but it became more apparent during the move, as well as the growing bump.

If the type of inguinal hernia, then a common way to mengatahuinya is to find a lump around the groin, the scrotum usually be enlarged as well. These lumps are often clearly visible under the skin, and may disappear when lying down but will reappear if you're coughing, sneezing or straining during bowel movements. Some types of hernias do not cause pain at all, while others can cause pain and a vague but can be jelast while doing physical activity.

Types of Hernia 

1. Abdominal / Incisional Hernia

Type of abdominal or ventral hernia occurs when bowel pressure out through the abdominal wall is weak. This type of hernia is often referred to as incisional hernias because the lump usually appears in places that there are previous surgery incision scars. The bumps usually appear around the abdominal area.

2. Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernias usually occur around the navel area & common in women during pregnancy or afterwards.

3. Inguinal Hernia

Inguinal hernia may occur on one side or on both sides of the groin or scrotum. If there is on one side is called the unilateral & the event of both sides is called a bilateral. Most of the cases of hernia occurs in this area & are usually also more common in men.

4. Femoral Hernia

A hernia that occurs in women around the groin is also called a femoral hernia. A hernia occurs when there is weakness in the artery in the upper thigh.

5. Hiatal Hernias

Hiatal hernia occurs when part of the stomach & esophagus through the diaphragm into the chest. Common symptoms are often felt was heartburn or burning sensation around the chest that is often referred to as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Paraesophageal hernias can occur when there is pressure to the abdomen to the chest next to the esophagus, resulting in suppression of the section so that it can inhibit blood flow to organs or other parts.

Handling Hernia       

The only way to cure a hernia is through improvements in operations. Until now there is no drug that can treat the condition. Perhaps the word surgery can be discouraging people to take medication, especially if the hernia has not suffered too disturbing, but keep in mind that these hernias tend to get worse over time and also raises the risk for other complications. As early as possible so that treatment is recommended to be done as quickly as possible, otherwise in consultation with the treating doctor should also be done in particular about the choice of type of surgery you want done. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Recognize the Symptoms of Ear Infection in Children

Ear infections

Ear infections often occur in children, at least once before entering the age of 2 years. This is because the connecting pipe between the nose and ears are found in children generally have a more horizontal position with a shorter distance, than in adults. Consequently, if there is a good production of mucus in the nose due to colds or allergies, the mucus can be trapped in the channel & be the growth of bacteria. Middle ear infection can cause fever and pain in the ear.

Ear Infection Symptoms in Children

Although ear infections usually occur in children, but in fact can also be experienced by all ages. Common symptoms are perceived is a pain in the ear & discomfort. For more details on the ear infection symptoms are:
  • Pain in the ear, although it generally occurs but does not always happen.
  • Hearing loss can occur for several days.
  • Fever (rise in body temperature).
  • In children can arise discomfort in the body & puke.
  • In infants, usually have not been able to show the pain but it is usually indicated by the behavior fussy, fever, frequent cry & refuse to eat.
Sometimes it may also occur partially ruptured eardrum so that infected fluid or pus was flowing out of the ear. Usually pain in the ear will be reduced because it is & a torn eardrum will heal by itself a few weeks later.

Handling Ear Infections

To determine whether there is an ear infection or not, a doctor may look inside your ear using an instrument called the otoscope. Through the otoscope doctors will be able to see the condition of the eardrum, the layer between the outer & inner ear inner ear and blowing air to see if it can be blown eardrum normally. Because if there is an ear infection then the ear drum can not be blown because of pressure from the pus on the side of it.

Most cases of ear infections may heal by itself within a few days because normally the immune system can overcome the infection. However, doctors sometimes also prescribe drugs to help speed up healing, including:
  1.  Pain relievers                                                                                                                                      Because ear infections typically cause pain, then pain relievers can be given to patients until the pain healed. Drugs commonly used are acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Painkillers may also serve to lower the fever that accompanies.
  2. Antibiotics                                                                                                                                           Because ear infections can usually heal by itself within 2-3 days of antibiotics is usually not necessary. Antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor in case of specific cases, such as: 
  • Ear infections experienced by children aged <2 years, due to a greater risk of complications in infants.
  • Ear infection rate is quite heavy.
  • Ear infections also did not recover within 2-3 days.
  • There are complications of ear infections.
At the time of check to the doctor, a doctor may recommend to see the progression of the disease for 2-3 days. In a sense for 2-3 days, the only use of painkillers just looking at whether the infection is getting better or not. And if the infection is not improved, then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.   
Ear Care  
The ear does not actually need a special thing in her treatment, such as the teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day or a fingernail to be clipped regularly. Care enough with the way the ear is cleaned with soap while bathing or in a way be washed with a bath towel.
How With Dirt
Although it sounds gross, earwax serves to form a waxy coating that protects the ears. Then once created, earwax will advance towards the outer ear canal so that it can take a shower washed away during cleaning time. Not recommended for cleaning the ears in a way encouraged to use an object such as cotton buds though, because the dirt can go further into the & raised there. The use of cotton buds that are too hard can also irritate the external ear canal. If you want to clean the earwax can use a special fluid that serves to soften the dirt so that it can come out by itself.   

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes airways (a pipe through which flows the air in & out of the lungs) is narrowed. In the United States, nearly 20 million people have asthma with 9 million of whom are children. Padaa children, air channels are smaller than adults, so that asthma can cause serious problems on them. Asthma is a chronic disease that causes airways (a pipe through which flows the air in & out of the lungs) is narrowed. In the United States, nearly 20 million people have asthma with 9 million of whom are children. Padaa children, air channels are smaller than adults, so that asthma can cause serious problems on them. Here is some information about asthma that need to be known by the parents, taken from

Asthma Symptoms In Children

Children who have asthma usually experience symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest or feel difficulty when breathing, especially in the morning & evening. Here are some asthma symptoms that occur in children :

- Symptoms of asthma in children <3 years :
  • There is sound when breathing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma)
  • Coughing, wheezing or breathing kehabisa when activities
  • Tightness in chest
  • Persistent cough is not caused by the flu, it usually gets worse when the night
  • Always feel unwell
  • Experiencing recurring flu & usually takes a long time to heal
- Symptoms of asthma in children aged 3-15 years :        
  • There is sound when breathing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma)
  • Long-term cough, especially at night
  • Often awakened by a cough at night or early morning
  • Feeling faint or become less active
In children pre-school age, wheezing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma) usually caused by viral infections (which cause the flu, ear infection or strep throat). Most children will usually recover from the disease over age. In children aged greater, the virus is a major cause of wheezing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma). But besides this, other allergens can cause asthma attacks in children, such as :
  • Pollen / grass
  • Fur
  • Certain foods, such as: milk, eggs, nuts
  • Dust
  • Mushrooms
Sometimes experienced by children with asthma can become worse, here are some factors that can meperburuk condition of asthma in children :
  • Exposed to materials that cause allergic
  • Chill
  • Smoke from cigarettes
  • Dust & air pollution
  • Sometimes excessive physical activity also can aggravate asthma, but that does not mean kids should stop doing physical activities, especially sports. Should handle the perceived asthma symptoms by using drugs.            
When Should Consult a Doctor About Asthma   
Parents should immediately consult a doctor when :
  • Suspect their children have asthma
  • Asthma medication which is used to be useless or require therapy more than 2-3 times per week
Help your doctor as soon as possible should be done, especially when children show symptoms as follows :
  • Child is having difficulty breathing.
  • The color changes a child's skin to become paler or blue, especially in the area around the lips or mouth.
  • If difficulty breathing worsened suddenly.     
  • If an asthma attack that occurred even worse than usual.
  • If you use an inhaler for asthma more frequently than 4 hours  
Treatment For Asthma In Children  
Often the drugs needed for treating asthma in children, it is done in order:  
  • Can eliminate the symptoms of asthma in children, so they can freely play & berakatifitas like other children.
  • May reduce allergic reactions of the body & reduces swelling / inflamsi of the respiratory tract.
  • Can eliminate or reduce adverse effects on the lungs of children so that they can develop normally.
Treatment for asthma, are generally divided into two groups, namely :
  1. Group relief (bronchodilators)                                                                                                              Is a group of drugs that work quickly relax the muscles in the airways, thereby curing the symptoms of asthma such as wheezing, coughing & difficulty breathing. The group is also included in the first-line treatment to cope with acute asthma attacks. Examples are: Beta-2 agonists, anticholinergics,
  2. Prevention group (anti-inflammatory)                                                                                                     Kelompok ini bekerja dalam periode waktu yang lama dengan caa mencegah terjadinya peradangan (inflamasi) pada saluran nafas. Contohnya adalah : Corticosteroids, Cromones, Leukotriene receptor antagonists, Theophylline.
Source :  

Not sleeping soundly

About Sleep

Sleep we do every day, usually during sleep the body becomes unconscious and we are not aware of her surroundings. Sleep itself consists of five phases, namely: drowsiness, light sleep, deep sleep stage 2 and the last stage of REM (rapid eye movement). In the REM stage is breathing, heartbeat and eye movement become more toned and the muscles become temporarily paralyzed limbs, at this stage is usually a dream happen.

Each person may be different sleep needs, and often people with different ages requires long sleep differently. Babies need time to sleep about 17 hours, while older children need time to sleep as much as 10 hours. For most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep.

People tend to sleep less at getting older. Parents usually need more time to sleep, with the number and length of the growing phase of drowsiness to deep sleep then time becomes less.


Insomnia is the inability to get to sleep or staying asleep within a reasonable time. This situation can make the condition of the body becomes tired, as sleep is very important for our health the same as the pattern of food or sport. Whatever the causes of restless sleep or insomnia, it can affect us both physically or mentally. People who suffer from disturbed sleep or insomnia reported a lower quality of life compared with people who sleep well.

Complications of restless sleep or insomnia can be :
  • The reduced performance at work or school either.
  • Psychological problems can arise, such as depression or anxiety.
  • Overweight or obese.
  • The decline in immune system function.
  • Increase the risk of long-term illness, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. 
Causes and Diagnosis of Insomnia     


Usually there is no one specific cause that can cause restless sleep or insomnia, but there are several factors that can contribute, such as :
  • Psychological health problems, such as stress or anxiety
  • Physical health problems such as asthma or pain
  • The influence of certain drugs such as medication asthma, vertigo or depression
  • Jet lag       
  • Environmental factors, such as noise, an uncomfortable bed, the conditions are too hot or cold
  • Problems or lifestyle habits, like staying up at night, alcoholic beverages atapun use of stimulants such as nicotine

There are two types of restless sleep or insomnia, namely :
  1. Primary insomnia                                                                                                                              Primary insomnia has a clear causative factor. insomnia or disturbed sleep can affect about 3 in 10 people who suffer from insomnia. Sleep patterns, sleep habits and environment before bed is often the cause of this type of primary insomnia.
  2. Secondary insomnia                                                                                                          Secondary insomnia usually occurs due to the effect of something else, like a medical condition. Psychological problems such as feelings of sadness, depression and dementia can cause secondary insomnia is on 5 of 10 people. In addition to physical problems such as arthritis, diabetes and pain also can cause secondary insomnia and generally affects 1 in 10 people suffering from insomnia or trouble sleeping. Secondary insomnia can also be caused by side effects of drugs taken for a particular disease, use of illicit drugs or abuse alcohol. These factors may affect 1-2 out of 10 people who suffer from insomnia.
Insomnia can also be distinguished as transient insomnia, short-term and long term. Transient insomnia usually occurs only a few nights, while the short-term insomnia lasts> than 2-3 nights, but the occurrence of less than 3 weeks. For its own long-term insomnia can last almost every night and there was> = 3 weeks.

Overcoming Insomnia  

To overcome the problem of disturbed sleep or insomnia is usually done in 2 ways, namely through the psychological and medical aid. The first handling usually will first be assisted by way of psychology, if later deemed necessary will be given additional new drugs. Here's a description of both methods :

1. Psychological Therapy

Consultant psychologist can usually teach easy relaxation techniques which can help overcome insomnia. They also usually provide consulting services to talk (psychotherapy) can help people to deal with events such as loss of someone close or domestic problems that can lead to disturbed sleep or insomnia.

In addition to the above, there are also therapy on sleep, which includes cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) which can overcome the anxiety problems that disrupt sleep and also helps build a positive outlook on the bed.

Cognitive behavior therapy include :
  • Knowledge about good sleep habits. During sleep hygiene habits can be helped to improve the quality of sleep.
  • Relaxation techniques, such as muscle relaxation exercises and breathing exercises can be used to overcome anxiety at bedtime. This technique allows us to control breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and mood.
  • Cognitive therapy, is included by replacing anxiety about not sleeping with other positive things.
  • Stimulus control, including in it to restrict the activities carried out in the bedroom just to break it.
  • Sleep restriction therapy limits the time you are in bed, so that the bed was reduced and become more tired the next night. Once the quality of sleep is increased, then the sleep time will increase again gradually.
2. Drugs      
  • Kind of hypnotic drugs such as diazepam and lorazepam may be prescribed by a doctor in the short term to address the problem of insomnia or disturbed sleep heavy. But these drugs have side effects drowsiness the next day and cause symptoms of addiction.
  • Anti-allergy drugs that are sedative such as diphenhydramine and promethazin also be used to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping. But these drugs can be present in the body for a long time and cause a hangover effect in the morning.
  • In addition to prescription drugs above, there are several studies showing that the herb valerian is also effective to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping. Additionally Passiflora and wild lettuce extract and Lavender and chamomile are also traditionally used to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping, although there has been no research to prove it. Should first consult with your doctor or pharmacist if you want to use these herbal ingredients to treat insomnia or trouble sleeping.